
Rigs of rods mods drag car
Rigs of rods mods drag car

  • Gavril, the name of an automaker, is a variant of the name Gabriel (the lead vehicle designer's first name).
  • It also has a tuned variant named the Notte ("night").
  • Likewise, "Civetta Bolide" literally translates to "owl fireball" in Italian.
  • The Italian "Autobello Piccolina" can be translated as "beautiful little car".
  • Bilingual Bonus: The game contains a few brand and car names that mean something in different languages:.
  • Big Badass Rig: The Gavril T75 does look rather pedestrian, but it has a massive 10.6-litre (647 cubic inch) engine and an optional ram plow.
  • Badass Normal: Many of these exist in the form of factory sports/off-road variants with a few tricks up their sleeves, or outright "sleeper" cars.
  • They also overheat alarmingly fast, even when you have the best possible radiator and you're starting with a cold engine rather than a pre-heated one. Even launching can be an issue with torque forces in play-the whole car twists to the right from torque steer if you floor it from a standing start, which can result in the front left tire leaving the ground and your car crashing if you can't control the launch.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: The drag cars have more than 900 HP and do 0-60 in about 2 seconds, but cornering is kind of an issue.
  • Well, nearly everything, since pretty much every vanilla vehicle with a fuel tank (bar the T-Series) lacks a fuel filler cap for some reason.
  • rigs of rods mods drag car

    Being an out-and-out simulator, the developers do nearly everything to prevent this trope from going into play. 0.17's traffic cars are relatively competent at following between the lines, signaling, and-as of the latest update-stopping at stoplights in East Coast USA, but they're not perfect, which winds up adding a bit of realism.

    #Rigs of rods mods drag car full#

    It also averts Lemming Cops to some degree cars chasing you at higher speeds tend to brake and back off to try and nudge you off the road rather than ramming you in full force. Part of their tendency to crash is not knowing about the presence of obstacles, so while it might be okay to slide off the road a little bit, it's not as okay when there are big trees lining the side of the road. If AI-driven cars don't crash, they're actually very adept with turning speeds and the cornering ability of their vehicles (provided the map's routes are laid out correctly).

    rigs of rods mods drag car

    Artificial Brilliance: Zig-Zagged with this and Artificial Stupidity.Anti-Frustration Features: Version 0.21 adds a "smart spawn" system that prevents cars from (re)spawning inside of objects or other cars.Electric cars such as the Hirochi eSBR can drive underwater, as electric cars do not have intakes to flood.In-fact, it helps cool down your brakes and coolant by submerging the brake discs and radiator, respectively. Most of the vehicles with dedicated off-road variants, like the Gavril Roamer, Gavril D-Series and Ibishu Hopper, can have a snorkel attached to the intake, allowing them to cross through deeper rivers like in Utah or traverse muddy and boggy areas.This has, however, been fixed, as engines will flood and hydrolock when running, but you can save a car's engine by shutting it off if it starts to flood. Amphibious Automobile: More like Submarine Automobile-in the earliest versions, cars were able to work underwater.There used to be a beater Ibishu Covet with a blown headgasket, broken shocks, worn tires, and a dirty, rusty body.

    rigs of rods mods drag car

    The parts actually fall off so quickly that it is hard to complete the challenge (which takes about 4 minutes) without everything falling off before the truck reaches the finish. One scenario has you driving a cement mixer that not only likes to tip over in corners, but also loses parts as you drive it.The stanced Ibishu Pessima has virtually no ride height and crappy handling.

    rigs of rods mods drag car

  • The Alleged Car: The base Ibishu Pigeon is a 3-wheeler with a tiny 27-horsepower engine and crippling instability in sharp turns (even with stabilizers attached).

  • Rigs of rods mods drag car